

  • By defining a command and associating it with the command handler implemented in the extension, you can call your own processing from the extension point of the ribbon.
  • As the valid/invalid condition of the command, you can specify the model selection state, the model class, and the target view definition.

Command details

  • Property

    Key Description Range
    id An ID that uniquely identifies the command. A unique string for all deployed extensions A string that represents the ID Required
    title Command title 1 Any string -
    description Command description 1 Any string -
    group The group to which the command belongs 1 Character string that represents the group name -
    execFunc Command handler name implemented at the entry point Character string representing function name/method name Required
    canExecWhen Valid condition of the command. For details, see the subordinate properties Object -
    canExecWhen.uiState One of the following values that represents the state of the UI.
    Always: Always enabled (default value when property is omitted).
    ProjectOpened: Effective when a project is open.
    ModelSelected: Valid when a model is selected.
    ModelSelectedInEditor: Effective when a model is selected in the editor.
    "Always", "ProjectOpened", "ModelSelected", "ModelSelectedInEditor" -
    canExecWhen.profiles Target project profile name Character string that represents the profile name -
    canExecWhen.metamodels The class name of the selected model or its inheriting class name. If you specify * in the value or omit the property, it is valid in all models. Ignored if the uiState property is not ModelSelected, ModelSelectedInEditor. "*" or a string that represents the class name. If more than one, specify them with commas. -
    canExecWhen.viewDefinitions Target view definition names. If you specify * in the value or omit the property, it is valid in all view definitions. Ignored if the uiState property is not ModelSelectedInEditor. "*" or a character string that represents the view definition name. If more than one, specify them with commas. -

Command definition example

    "extensionPoints": {

                "name": "codegen",
                "title": "Generate Source Code"

                "id": "myExtension.generateCode",
                "title": "generate code",
                "description": "generate code description",
                "group": "codegen",
                "execFunc": "GenerateCode",
                    "uiState": "ModelSelected",
                    "metamodels": "FunctionalComponent,Component",
                    "viewDefinitions": "*"

                "command": "myExtension.checkError",
                "title": "Check for errors",
                "execFunc": "CheckError",

Command handler implementation example

public void GenerateCode(ICommandContext commandContext, ICommandParams commandParams)
    //Command handler implementation code

Command parameter usage example

You can specify parameters when executing the command defined in the manifest extension point from within the extension.

void ExcecSomeCommands()
    //generate parameters
    var execParams = App.CreateCommandParams();
    execParams.AddParam("value1"); //Value can be referenced with execParams[0]
    execParams.AddParam("value2"); //Value can be referenced with execParams[1]
    //execParams.AddParamWithName("param1", "value1"); //Value reference is possible with execParams["param1"]
    //execParams.AddParamWithName("param2", "value2"); //Value can be referenced with execParams["param2"]

    //execute the command with parameters
    App.ExecuteCommand("otherExtension.someCommand", execParams);

  1. -In the current version, it doesn't affect the behavior of the extension and it is not displayed.